Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Non-Emergency Emerges

This morning in the bathroom, I screamed. Loudly.

My husband came running (as all good husbands should).

"What? WHAT?" H demanded.

"LOOK!" I screamed. I was passing blood.

"Um," says H. He pauses a moment, scratching the back of his left leg with his right foot. Taking a step (or two) back and switching Spunketta (did I mention Spunketta was in his arms?) to his other hip.

"Um. But that's okay, right?"

I blinked.

"Didn't the doctor say this would happen?"

I blinked again.

"There's nothing going on, right? I mean... isn't this normal?"

H stayed close enough to hear and be heard by me, but continued to inch away. And waited for me to come to a revelation.

I was having my period.

My PERIOD. Good god, what was that?

"Oh," I said, embarassed. INCREDIBLY embarrassed. I stammered a bit, and H nodded sympathetically.

I have been so used to being scared or saddened by bleeding that I had forgotten (FORGOTTEN) that for some people, it's a perfectly normal thing.

Heh. Whoops.


Life in Eden said...

That is indeed a surreal moment.

TeamWinks said...

I can see how that would happen!

Unknown said...

LOL I remember having a similar reaction.

You MUST read this entry from the blog of Julie, who's been writing the very funny and moving blog about her experience of infertility, pregnancy, premature birth, and motherhood for years now. Here is her entry about her experience with the first period after birth:



Bea said...

