Saturday, September 3, 2011

Last week

To be clear, I'm not undergoing any treatment. In fact, a few times I'm voiced the desire to have more children to anyone other than H, the response has been... not supportive. My father even said I was "selfish" to think about having another child while Spunx was having problems.

But last week.

Last week I thought I was pregnant.

It was awesome.

I couldn't keep anything down. Various body parts felt aflame. Dry heaves. Etc.

It was awesome.

We'd recently switched to a GFCF diet (because that's what's you do). We'd been to see a fringe physician who specialized in Autism. He asked a lot (A LOT) of questions, and when we mentioned problems with IF, Wacky Doc blamed gluten. And said that if we followed his guidelines, we could get pregnant. That easy.


This week, I'm having my period.


Bea said...

Whacky doc.

I've heard others report the selfish comments in similar situations. And then you're damned if you don't, of course, too. Everyone thinks they know the right way to go about your life except half of them disagree with the other half.

I hope whacky doc has more luck with autism than fertility.


Anonymous said...

We have dealt with the everybody has an opinion about us having another child dance before we did our FET for this one. Everybody seemed to have an opinion on whether it was fair or not to us or Braden considering how time consuming his condition can be. My very humble opinion is to trust your own gut and thank them graciously for their opinion while doing whatever the hell you want to do.
Team Winks