Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lucky number 7 (cells)

Yesterday, we transferred one lonely embie.

She was, indeed, primo stuff. She was an graded FBB (F is for "Fair" and the "B" is on a A-B-C-D scale).

She had seven cells.

I've never had an embryo with seven cells before. Last transfer, I had 2 six-cells, a five-cell and some that were less than that. And them time before that, I only reached six-cells, as well.

But seven?



Somewhat Ordinary said...

Wow! Seven is a lucky number and I'm hoping this is very lucky for you!

Familyofthree said...

Seven is a lucky number!

Here's hoping that she is your little girl!!

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for your lucky 7.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Sending really good thoughts for this one.

docgrumbles said...

Hope it is lucky number 7!

Barefoot said...

Congrats on your lucky seven-cell! Sending implanty thoughts your way.