Saturday, February 28, 2009

Worst Mother in the World (Me)

Spunx burnt his hands on the oven door.

I had him in the kitchen, the oven was long off and there was a chair in front of the oven door. None of this mattered to my determined son as he rolled up and tried to open the oven. And in the process, gave himself first and second degree burns.

Wow, I suck


Serenity said...


Not much you can do when your kid is DETERMINED to burn his hands, hon.

He knows what "hot" is now.


Bea said...

Oh gosh, you feel horrible when they hurt themselves, don't you? But the ones who haven't had their children hurt are, in a significant proportion, just lucky, so don't be too hard on yourself. Not that you shouldn't keep trying to keep him safe! But sooner or later, he's bound to learn something the hard way.


Life in Eden said...

My son fell down an entire flight of stairs -- twice. Once I tried to cut myself some slack, that it was an accident. But the second I really, really should have known better. We all make mistakes -- but you really did your best to prevent it. Honestly I never took those precaution with the stove. It's just horrible luck and bad circumstances.

(((Nica))) hang in there hon.

E. Phantzi said...

please don't be so hard on yourself, of course it hurts in your soul to see your baby in pain. we aren't omnipotent.